New technologies have transformed how concepts of ‘reality’ and ‘immersion’ have been traditionally understood.

My video was discussing how new technologies have transformed how concepts of “reality” and “immersion” have been traditionally understood. I wanted to convey the argument that virtual reality and technology in general has created such a positive impact on society and given us an incredible amount of opportunities that mankind has never had before. I …

Assessment 2- Video surveillance

I wanted to discuss the issue of surveillance (while briefly touching of artificial intelligence) which we have covered this trimester in making video. Although I wanted to cover this issues in an engaging way. I believe the best way to engage an audience is through images and videos. had such a large selection of …

What potentialities and risks does social media offer activists attempting to drive social change?

Slacktivism is, by definition “the practice of supporting a political or social cause by means such as social media or online petitions, characterized as involving very little effort or commitment.” This is something that occurs quite often on social media. Social media tends to be a fantastic way to communicate and spread a particular message, …


My online persona, is that of happy times, and moments with friends. More specifically on Instagram, I post many photos and videos of live music events that I have attended. Whether it be a festival, concert or show, this is what I love to do with my time the most, so I choose to share …

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